Sunday, July 15, 2007

July- "Swinging Summer"

Finished it this weekend. So many of you guessed correctly. After all the trauma in June, It was pure pleasure to do this page. Wish I was swinging here. Had a great weekend at the coast. Took a class, bought too many beads, and just enjoyed myself.
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CC said...

OMG! I wish I was swinging with you! I love swings! It's so sad they don't have them in the county here. If I ever get my own place, I'm gonna have a swing! Great piece...and it looks like your next one is off to a good start!
With aloha, CC

s said...

I want a turn on the swing also.
How wonderful and fun,

Lois2037 said...

Oh, so it turned out to be the swing! When do get my turn? It looks so inviting.

mAtilda said...

wow! non mi aspettavo la quete di un altalena...
interessante e divertente idea

Timaree said...

It turned out so great! I love the little butterflies and the chain holding the swing. And it's blowing in the breeze. It's great!

Judi D said...

How beautiful is that, it is a very graceful page....welll done!

ACey said...

I love this. It seems to sum up very wonderful feelings.

Robin said...

Great idea to use chain for the rope of the swing and I love that it's in motion rather than just hanging straight... makes the scene so inviting!

KV said...

Utterly charming!

Kathy V in NM

Lillian said...

It turned out great Arline! I can see myself swinging on your swing right now...sigh :o) Lillian

Sheeprustler said...

OK, so I was COMPLETELY wrong, but it's lovely anyway! I love the feeling of airiness.

Artifax said...

What a wonderful summer piece! The swing looks so inviting!

nologic said...

I love swings. It has been so long since I was on an old fashion swing. Such a fun piece.Thanks for bringing back memories of fun times.