Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009

Can you believe this year is over as of today? In many ways it has been a good year: Sharing with friends and family, going to Retreats and bead shows, and beading.
Unfortunately, it has also been a sad year. Losing family members and friends is always sad. This post is dedicated to those who no longer walk beside us. This piece of bead embroidery has been done since Christmas. I've spent so much time thinking of my friend, Lora, and her fight to overcome Inflammatory Breast Cancer that I decided to call this piece "Lora's Song". She was a friend to many and always positive and upbeat. She will be missed.

I have a good feeling about 2010. I think it will be a creative, productive year for all of us. Tomorrow we start our third year of the Bead Journal Project. What a blessing that has turned out to be for many of us. Robin Atkins has touched so many people with this project and continues to do so.

May all of you have a wonderful New Year, and may you love, laugh and be happy for all your days. Be safe this holiday and be creative, no matter what your chosen medium.

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GraceBeading said...

A wonderful tribute Arline and a perfect name for such a beautiful piece... now to find some tissues

abeadlady said...

Thank you, Grace. It was a work of love.

flyingbeader said...

What a wonderful piece in memory of Lora

Bev said...

I think Lora would have loved it :)

KV said...

Exquisite piece and lovely tribute, Arline . . .

May the New Year bring you much happiness and love . . . .

Kathy V in NM

a2susan said...

It's a beautiful piece, and a beautiful tribute.


Beady Zoo said...

I think Lora has been whispering to you, Arline. The tribute piece is beautiful!

Happy 2010!

abeadlady said...

Thank you all for your kind words. It was a pleasure to make something in Lora's memory.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I find it difficult to comment on the beauty of this piece. Also about the tribute to your friend. Your page is so much more spiritual than those topics.

However, since you mention the BJP and its blessings, I am compelled to comment on that. I lost a friend about 3 years ago unexpectedly. She was constantly on my mind. I could not let go of my thoughts on her death and occurances afterward. I dedicated a page to her, and that was when I realized what BJP is all about. I am grateful that I have learned to express my thoughts in a BJP. I can and never will put my innermost thoughts on paper pages.

beadbabe49 said...

Beautiful piece, arline...looking forward to seeing what everyone is doing for this new BJP too!

Katie B said...

So very beautiful Arline.
And I know Lora would have been so proud.

Doris said...

Love the colors, Arline. I think Lora would have liked this piece.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful shows the love you have to share with everyone...Thank you for being my friend and for all the advice, love, and caring...
