Friday, September 05, 2008


I just was walking to the bank this morning. That's all. All of a sudden, I found myself in a nearby shop buying clothes. How did that happen? I haven't bought clothes in forever. I basically live in jeans and teeshirts. What a treat it was to just go in and pick out some new things. I still want to get some sweaters for this winter, but I'm pretty well set for tees now and I bought a couple of pair of jeans too.

If this sounds pretty mundane, consider I have been living on a very limited income for the past six months (Soc. Sec.). My county retirement just kicked in with a very nice retroactive check. Makes me feel rich. Not really, but it's nice to be off such a tight budget again.

I have signed up for BJP 2008 and am looking forward to a productive year. I am also in two other year long challenges, as well as a couple of swaps. Have I lost my mind? Probably, but I don't care; I'm having fun.


beadbabe49 said...

congratulations on the temporary riches! now you can buy yet more fabric and beads...sounds like you've got plenty of new clothes for the moment, lol!

Ellen said...

Hey a splurge on new clothes is good for the soul as well as the Goddess in you - Yes you have probably lost your mind, no doubt it's off somewhere playing with mine LOL

abeadlady said...

Bobbi, you and Ellen are so good for my soul! I bought fabric the first day; scads of it. LOL. I'm hoping I come up with a good idea for all of these projects. I'm also doing squares for the bead quilt for Jeanette Shanigan. Ellen, I have no doubt your mind and mine will have fun no matter where they are. Arline

The Lone Beader® said...

Good luck with all your projects!

Doris said...

Isn't it fun to shop for clothes when you aren't looking for anything specific? Enjoy!

a2susan said...

It's always fun when things happen spontaneously. And you'll enjoy the clothes even more. Good luck with all your projects. I'm finding just the bjp a little intimidating right now, can't seem to pick up the beads and start. Susan

ACey said...

new clothes are great especially when it's something you don't take for granted about your life.